Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sweet Shankarpali ( गोड शंकरपाळे )


  • 1 small bowl (wati) pure ghee
  • 1 1/4 small bowl (wati) sugar
  • 5 small bowl (wati) maida ( All purpose flour)
  • 1 small bowl (wati) water
  • pinch of salt for taste


  1. Mix the ghee + sugar + water in a kadhai and heat it on low flame till the mixture comes to boil. Switch Off the gas flame.
  2. After this mixture cools down start adding all purpose flour and start kneading the dough to make very soft but little bit stiff dough
  3. Set the dough aside for 20 minutes
  4. Make small balls from the dough and roll like thick paratha.
  5. Remove the edges by using knife or pizza cutter
  6. Now cut in to desired shape and deep fry till it gets light brown color

Roll shankarpali little bit thicker for crisp and delicious bites

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