Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lemon Rice


  •     2 Cups cooked rice
  •     2 tablespoons oil
  •     1/2 teaspoon cumin seed
  •     1/2 teaspoon mustard seed
  •     1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  •     2 red whole red chili
  •     1 green chili sliced in four long way
  •     12 to 15 fresh curry leaves
  •     2 tablespoons chana dal, urad dal pre-soaked in water for at least half an hour
  •     1/4 cup unsalted roasted peanuts
  •     1 teaspoon salt adjust to taste
  •     1/4 cup lemon juice


  1.     Heat the oil in a frying pan on medium heat; stir-fry the peanuts for about 2 minute  until peanuts changes the color to light brown.
  2.     Take out the peanuts from oil and use the same oil for rest of the seasoning.
  3.     Add cumin seeds and mustard seeds after seeds crack add red chili, curry leaves, and green chilies, and stir for a few seconds.
  4.     Add the chana dal, urad dal stir-fry for about a minute.
  5.     Add turmeric and mix it well.
  6.     Add the pre-cooked rice, peanuts and sprinkle salt and lemon juice over the rice.
  7.     Mix gently, making sure do not break the rice and stir-fry for about 2 minutes.
  8.     Rice is ready, Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spinach Buttermilk Curry ( taakatli palak bhaaji)

Ingredients :
  • 1 bundle Chopped spinach leaves
  • 1 cup Buttermilk
  • 2 tbsp Besan (chana dal flour)
  • 2-3 Kadhi patta leaves(curry leaves)
  • 15 Peanuts (optional)
  • 3-4 Green chillies
  • 3 Garlic cloves
  • 1 tbsp Mustard seeds
  • 1 tbsp Cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp Sugar
  • 1 tsp Oil
  • 1 tsp asafoetida (Hing) powder
  • Salt as per taste

Method :
  1. Cook the finely chopped spinach along with the groundnuts in the pressure cooker for 1 whistle
  2. Take the buttermilk in a bowl. Add sugar and salt according to taste.
  3. Now take the besan and mix it with a little bit of water to make a smooth paste and add it to the buttermilk. Stir well.
  4. In a saucepan/ kadhai , heat about a 1 tsp of oil.
  5. Once it is ready add the mustard seeds,cumin seeds,green clillies and garlic cloves.
  6. Add the cooked spinach and groundnuts.
  7. Add the buttermilk mixture to the preparation
  8. Keep stirring and cook for 10 min.Serve Hot !